If you are a commercial property owner, the impression that a potential client garners based upon the quality of your landscape can often be a determining factor in their decision to work with you. This is a strong incentive for you to invest in your landscape, and create something to be proud of. Residential homeowners share this desire for a great-looking property, as this is where they live and spend their time each day. In either case, property owners need to enhance their landscape to keep up a fresh look. If you allow your landscape to get boring and dry, your competitors will outpace you with colorful flowers and stunning hardscapes. Landscape enhancements do not have to be complicated, and here are 4 easy ways to enhance your landscape.

stone patio landscape enhancement with swing

flower installation1. Flower Installation: Annual and Perennial

Adding color to your landscape is an essential piece of any landscape enhancement plan, and flower installation is the way to do so. Perennial flowers can be planted for year-round color, although they will only bloom for a season. In contrast, annual flowers can be planted and rotated each season, as they go through the entirety of their life cycle in that season. Combining the consistency of perennials with new and exciting annuals each season is our recommendation.

2. Mulch Installation: Plant’s Best Friendfreshly mulched area

There is a reason mulch is the most recognizable landscaping material because it provides a wealth of benefits to your landscape. Organic mulch varieties will naturally disperse nutrients into your soil as they decompose. Any mulch type will also act as insulation between your soil and the elements, keeping moisture in, and extreme temperatures out. Mulch will also act as a barrier between your soil and the weeds that would like to come in and take over. Did we mention that mulch looks great? With so many benefits, mulch is a no-brainer.

landscape enhancement stone walkway3. New Hardscape: Patio or Walkway

In the era of social distancing, commercial and residential property owners alike are looking for ways to create usable outdoor spaces for congregations. The easiest way to do this is with a new patio, which can be used to host guests, friends, and family. Walkways can also add structure to your landscape, connecting the different pieces. They can both be lined with beautiful plant material, combined with our first enhancement of plant installation to create beauty.

4. Decorative Rock: Multi-Uselandscape enhancement with decorative rock

Last but not least, decorative rock is one of the easiest enhancements to make to your landscape precisely because it can be used in a variety of ways. It can be the aesthetic centerpiece of a rock garden because it can be found in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. This allows for broad creative freedom. Decorative rock can also be used as inorganic mulch, providing all the same benefits minus the addition of nutrients. You can also use rock as filler in a paver walkway, or to accent the base of a shrub or tree.


Your landscaping is the first thing noticed by your visitors, friends, and customers. Let OakLawn Landscaping ensure that your first impressions are top notch and have your guests in awe before they even reach the door. Visit our website, or contact us today at (301) 854-0684 for any of your landscaping needs, commercial or residential.

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