As we previously discussed in our “5 Types of Fertilizer and When to Use Them” blog earlier this month nutrients are one of the most essential pieces of a healthy landscape. Living beings all require them to survive, let alone to grow. This rings true for animals, humans, and even plants. One of the most important of these nutrients is water and no wonder. Every piece of plant material needs it, from your annuals to your turf. While everyone knows a lawn needs water, it can get confusing when you begin to delve into the needs of your flowers, shrubs, and trees. In this blog, we are going to cover everything you need to know about when to water your landscape.

Sprinkler head (water your landscape)

Turf: Irrigation System

Just to set the stage, your lawn needs to be watered if it is brand new, less than two years old or develops signs of wear and tear. This is because we get quite a bit of rainfall during the growing season, and an inch a week is plenty for most lawns. However, to compensate for a lack of rainfall, many property owners turn to hand watering. This is both inefficient from a conversation and a financial standpoint. Especially on commercial properties, overwatering is a huge issue, with much of what gets watered not even being green! To combat this, most properties would save time and money with an irrigation system. Modern technology has enabled systems to optimize the amount of water based on real-time weather data through fully automated processes. Rather than worry about best practices and checking the weather app, let an irrigation system do its job.

Installation of New Material

While the specific watering needs of individual plant species could not possibly be covered in such a short time, there is one helpful piece of information you might like. Any newly established plant is going to need a substantial amount of initial watering in order to form the beginnings of a root system. This is one of the most important stages of development, setting the foundation for all future growth. However, make sure you know how much is too much, as you can actually drown your plant with overwatering. Soil should be moist 4-6 inches deep, and short bursts of deep watering are better than frequent shallow watering, which teaches your plants to grow shallow roots. Always water in the morning so you lose less moisture to evaporation. The first two weeks should be good for flowers, while the first 2 years are a good measure for trees and shrubs.

The Exception: Evergreens

With the wide array of temperatures we experience in Maryland, one of the most common types of plant material installed are evergreens. These are any tree or shrub that has needles or leaves that remain green all year long. Evergreens must be watered deeply in the fall before the ground freezes over. They need to have water storage through the winter, as they lose moisture anytime the temperature is over 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and even on generally sunny days. If you do not, they may become brown or even die.


Your landscaping is the first thing noticed by your visitors, friends, and customers. Let OakLawn Landscaping ensure that your first impressions are top-notch and have your guests in awe before they even reach the door. Visit our website, or contact us today at (301) 854-0684 for any of your landscaping needs, commercial or residential.

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